
Weird morning. I really didn't expect to wake up and find myself in support of Russia. I hope the Americans mentioned take Russia up on their offer.


Those former Americans, as long as they're content to be useful propaganda, will get more benefits than native Russians.

But once they're no longer useful? Yeah. They don't think that far ahead.


Yes. Typical inanity. Conservative β€œChristians,” amidst rivers of paint-thinner vodka 🀣🀣

I wonder if the putative villages will have running water, and plumbing?

Slava Ukraini

@stuartblair Hmm - maybe Congress can authorize funds to help the Russians expand this village beyond 200 families? Just think - they could elect as mayor and be happy as clams, while leaving the rest of us the f*ck alone!

@stuartblair That’s a great idea, but 200 families is not nearly enough.

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