Picked up a couple of future Jack-O-Lanterns and a gourd. My neighbor and I will be carving on Saturday.
Must dig into into my imagination to see what character lies inside the green-warted pumpkin! And I hope Cthulhu doesn’t mind me taking one of his gourd offspring. 😁
"Alone, But Golden"
Cozy up your home this winter with a fleece blanket, a pillow, a shower curtain, and more.
#Photography #nature #SusanSeePhotography
When you’re watching a movie and get distracted by an adorable yellow-eyed fur monster.
There’s this wonderful dead tree right outside of my patio that is perfect for my Skeleton friends.
As Johnny said, "I've been everywhere man." Servant to Maddie 😽 & Smitty 😸. Vagabond, #Photog, #Socialist & loyal as all fuck to those that matter.