@MookyTroubadour I'm trying to learn something new. And there is NO need for you to attack me like that. How dare you.
@MookyTroubadour Meaning?
@damianreloaded barely different tastes? Are you for real?
@damianreloaded And your point is?
@see_the_sus Try me, I ain't afraid of him - he'll learn how to nibble ME. ;-)
@see_the_sus When the cats opened their mouths, I tend to put my finger in their mouths - they'll just close and nibble and are like " get out of my mouth!" 😍
These ancient peoples in Egypt had weird, morbidly and dirty minds.
@opie Which is perfect because these questions contain many inside jokes.
Who's going to watch the 95th Oscars on Sunday? My friend created the hilarious questionnaire - feel free to participate but answer carefully. *wink*
@Dm7 I'm trying to remember this fella who painted stuff on PBS many years ago - he has a big hairdo - but he was goddamn talented painter. His name? I wish I can stand and paint in front of the world and still did do it good.
@Dm7 Umm, if I'm so tired and sit back and .. slowly my brain activity relaxed, I can make some kind of art? I'm DOWN FOR IT!
@sanau Finally!!!! Now I am going to order this!
Folks, when I was a kid at Walton Elementary School - I picked this book that talked about the boy discovering the talking Dolphin in a local pond - they developed the friendship. But the dolphin was getting sicker because it was stuck in a freshwater pond after one storm that flooded and the dolphin got stuck in a freshwater pond after the waters receded. What is the name of that book?
@kjans19 Just bought myself a coloring book. But I forgot to buy the coloring pencils. 😩 I will stop by JoAnn to pick the boards for me to paint some stuff. Need something to keep my mind away from the internet sometimes.
Just typical Deaf gay man who cannot stand Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg