I took some notes on the subject of eclipses during the panel about it at ChiCon8 last year. Time to break them out! ranthonyings.com/2024/03/eclip

Pull up a pokemon in your collection and appraise it. Now why couldn't they do that for the professor's appearances?

This is the important question that needs answering today. Turtwig, Chimchar or Piplup?

I know that it's Superbowl Sunday and I know that It's sacrilegious to say this in Texas, but I don't give a shit about football. Not one shit. Don't care about a fumble. Don't care about halftime. Don't care about the ads. Don't give a shit. So please, all of you news organizations, stop breathlessly telling me about what's happening in the game today. I. Don't. Give. A. Shit. Thank you

A disabled look at the "the mid-western work ethic." If you don’t want your disabled loved one to take their own life in desperation because of your pressure to conform, then click the link and read on: ranthonyings.com/2023/09/is-me

If you formed any ideas about the world of the first game or movie in the series you are choosing to consume (and who doesn’t do that?) then you are likely to be disappointed in the expression of the actual developed story when you are experiencing it. ranthonyings.com/2023/11/hzd-v

Please hold. I’ll spare you the annoying hold music. Feel free to provide that for yourselves if you need it. ranthonyings.com/2023/09/life-

What I remember most about the first time I heard Margaritaville was the question “Why is he looking for a shaker of salt?” I was 14. I had no idea what a margarita was or why it would require salt. ranthonyings.com/2023/09/manan

"Commitment, Abby, commitment! There are only two creatures of value on the face of this earth: those with a commitment, and those who require the commitment of others." - John Adams, 1776

"Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinion." - Sir Edmund Burke press-pubs.uchicago.edu/founde

Then comes the deal with the devil that plagues us to this day. Molasses to rum to slaves. The triangle trade haunts our history.

1:35 into the movie. The song Nixon had Jack Warner remove from the film is about to play. Up yours tricky dick!

Would have loved to see Blythe Danner on the Broadway stage back in the day. She has quite the presence onscreen.

Governor Gatling just stepped on the stage. g.co/kgs/FtfS1E New Jersey is on the scene.

There appears to be demand for "Die Hard" themed Christmas decorations this year. I wish I could say where you might find this stuff. ranthonyings.com/2019/12/a-die

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