Watching @joyannreid on #MSNBC cover some states' positions of not just wanting criminal penalties for abortions, but including the death penalty among possible penalties, and I literally cannot fucking process what is on TV. #Politics is tricky but this is *different*. Like a state rep saying a child dying of abuse is not good for the child but a benefit for society because lifelong services won't need to be paid for. There is a newly naked cruelty.
@publickovacs @joyannreid my state Rep. POS David Eastman.
Good Goddess I am so sorry
@publickovacs @joyannreid Me too.
Me and the Universe hold you innocent of that monster being in elected office.
Listen, I live in MO, so I am putatively represented by soulless mofos both in the state and in Congress. I don't have an easy answer. I do, however, think that media savvy pressure campaigns are on the path to an answer, for your state and mine. We just have to find left leaning folks with enough spoons...