
My conspiracy-prone RW friend sent me this xtweet earlier today.

I replied that the WHO was very specific about the man's co-morbidities. My friend didn't reply.


Don’t confuse him with facts. His mind is made up.

@LnzyHou He says he enjoys our arguments, so some of it must be getting through to him.

@LnzyHou I'm pretty much his only friend. He suffers from OCD, depression, and has a drinking problem. He feels he can confide in me. I have to help pull him out of his depression when he sends me an email about his problems.

@peterquirk I'd like to tell your RW friend that if I know someone who was diabetic and had hypertension and died of a car accident, I'm not going to blame his death on his conditions and will instead blame the drunk driver who t-boned him.


@GlennS We've known each other for over 20 years, at three different companies, and now both of us are retired. His wife divorced him almost two years ago. He looks to me, widowed 5 years ago, to provide him with some support. He clearly doesn't get it from his rod & gun club buddies. In many respects, he's an extremely capable person, worthy of admiration.

@peterquirk good of you to support your friend. I've walked away from the trumpnuts in my life. Life is too short.

Oh, I could not resist with...
"Oh, I saw that. Damn. And he had a magnetic ring piercing in his penis which got infected and now the poor guy can only run half staff."

🤷🏼‍♀️ But, that's me.

@peterquirk Um...the rest of the thinking verse is wondering how a bedridden man got birdflu.

@Ruthat Yes - we'll have to look into person-to-person, pet-to-human or food to human transmission.

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