Trump gives GSA official go-ahead to start transition to Biden administration
CEOs of top US firms met privately to discuss what to do if Trump's refusal to concede to Biden becomes a threat to democracy
@naikarrah OK. They met. I'm sure that different parties that feel like Trump being disruptive in the transition could have an effect on their interests have been meeting already for weeks or months. I'm also sure that those other groups could involve Law Enforcement, Joint Chiefs, scientific interests, and more. Do I know for a fact? No. *Shrug*
i just find it riveting that the original meeting of Fortune 500 CEO was a ittle over 2 dozen, but the threat today came from over ONE HUNDRED of them!
@naikarrah It may even increase. Business leaders want to make the point not only to Trump's lame-ass admin but to Biden & company that they want to get going with the economic recovery. There are people that won't have any benefits ( food, housing, meds, transportation ) by Christmas. Biden & company are working on their plans. Counseling patience doesn't feed kids. McConnell has a part to play in this too. Don't lose sight of that. Stuff's been on his desk since May 15. Big Fn Disgrace.
either he's going to financially decapitate our national Defence & soldiers/families, OR he wants social media company/owner protections repealed.
@naikarrah It will be an interesting struggle.
Thanks for posting the content!