My life feels so surreal right now. Everything is weird.
Black Sabbath-Changes
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You'll find CoSo is probably different than what you're expecting.
We're friendlier here, and value conversation and interaction more than follower counts and "urgently" pasted memes. Don't be alarmed by the friendliness.
CoSo is run by a single individual, one with incredible technical chops, but it's still human. He needs to sleep and eat, and he's grown as a person over the years.
So jump into any conversation, ask for help, tell a joke.
Be your best self.
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If you need help..
:( guys i don’t understand why his meds aren’t working
two weeks ago they said he did not have pneumonia but now, he sounds so bad
i’ve started a go fund me, I’m so embarrassed that I had to do this, but I can’t just let him die. if anybody can spare anything it will help, 🙏🏼❤️
he was just under the bed gagging on whatever was in his lungs
A few days ago his airway was very constricted so they (cautiously) prescribed steroids to relax inflammation, it made him worse
Mind warped- I just got done with Midnight Mass on Netflix. It's the vampire Lestat meets Jim Jones meets the Vampire LeStat meets Jim Jones meets the Walking Dead. Intense shit.
As for the Superbowl- the only sports I'm a fan of are the X games and sex. 🤷
But hope the rest of you all are having a fabulous time!
I am so random.
So here's some radomness. Saturday night my boss called me at 11pm because he broke our Domain Controllers by installing a Windows Update. Not a fan. I personally don't do Windows Updates on the reg because they break shit. As I was holding his hand and being emotional support on the phone, he said, "I'm surprised you didn't say anything." (about WU, since he knows my stance on them).
I replied, "I'm not going to kick you when you're down! I will however kick you later." 🤷
Hi! New here. Kinda shy and just exploring.😊 So, 👋 #introductions
(Forgot the hashtag!)
Random musings of a polyamorous self described heavy metal hippie chick nerd and the opposite of NV RAM. I like what I like. Sex positive. Kink friendly.