
PSA: CoSo is about so much more than politics.

So. Much. More.

Embrace it.

Don't be a dick.

@Dreamer9177 @mikeflstfi And to think I originally followed Wil here from the bird site.

The range of interests and options for curating your experience are a couple of the things I love most about CoSo

@mikeflstfi ❤️ ❤️ Absolutely !! Niiice work there 😎

@mikeflstfi Who is the artist? It could be just a fluke but he looks hella familiar to me!

@mikeflstfi Very cool! I wasn't big on watching the dramatized shows because we had our own shop "dramas" going on but at least one of our friends went on that show and he did seem to be pretty down to earth and real ! Nice work for sure!!

Yeah we are.

I want to be informed about politics, but definitely, that is not all I'm about!

@mikeflstfi be that as it may, CoSo is also a bit of humanist, Center to Left echo chamber Brigadoon (see, a reference to reference of a West Wing reference on CoSo).

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