
Saw a comment about "you can't be all my body/my choice unless you're also that way about the vaccine" and I thought to myself, "yeah, but letting women have control of their reproductive health isn't going to make grandma or grandpa pregnant, so your argument is invalid."

However, they won't get it.


@mikeflstfi some people can't grasp the difference between individual choice (affects only the person) and decisions that need to be made for the good of the entire society (vaccines, sanitation, etc)

@mikeflstfi Related: someone having reproductive medical care isn’t going to increase risk of spreading deadly pathogen to you and your family. So yeah.


trolls gonna troll. Any content, any context. It"s not so much their logic is bad or brains, tho probably both are true; it's their intentions which are essentially malicious & depraved, springing from greed & hate & delusions about identity.

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