
With all the new folk joining, it's time to do a

😁 Mike
🇺🇸 Texas
⏰ Born 1967 Shit I'm old
👫 Married, 3 grown kids, 4 grandkids. Pop Pop.
🎸Guitar player, blues and metal, music is life
🐈 Had a cat. She died. Loved her.
🌈 Straight, but hey, love the one you're with, fine by me
🙏Atheist. Believe what you want, just don't wipe it on me
👍Politically: Moderate Democrat
🤓 Geek: I want the Jetson's world

@mikeflstfi You forgot being a Formula One fan. 🏎🏎🏎 I’m a lurker that is now going active and you’re my first F1 follow.

@mikeflstfi Blues & Metal, this is the place to be, I already like it here!

@mikeflstfi Good Friday Morning Mike. I am new here. Kinda seems like a cewl place to hang out. 😂. I am a mom if 3 adult girls and Mimi of 3 grandsons. Divorced forever now is seems lol. Love music too. Fellow Democrat and love to laugh! 😊


Welcome! Happy to have you with us! Keep your eyes open later for some new music from me. 🎸

@mikeflstfi Awesome! WishI hadn't retired before the Virginia class boats were put into service.

He's still on an improved Los Angeles class for the moment. I think he'd like to be on a Virginia class.

@mikeflstfi I served on three LA class, one Permit class, and 1 Sturgeon class, and rode a dozen more as a staff rider for COMSUBRON-7 & COMSUBRON-6. Tell him to enjoy it while he can, it's a life you'll never find anywhere else.

At the moment, he's in it for the long-haul and he's happy. And that works for me.

@mikeflstfi I must say that your intro really inspired me

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