
🎸 If you'd like to support what I do, AND help CoSo, too, you can! My Linktree below will let you find:

1. My Bandcamp site for tunes
2. My merch site for blues-themed trinkets
3. My YouTube channel if you just want to see what's what.

50% of proceeds go to CoSo.

Thank you!

July's support to CoSo, 50% of proceeds donated via Donorbox:

1. Teepublic $3.50 (1 t-shirt)
2. Bandcamp $3.85 (2 albums)

Total: $7.35

I'll round up to $10 this month.

I hope when the next album comes out, there'll be more but THANK YOU to everyone who helped this month! 🎸

I’d like to have a little something for CoSo this month, so if you’re interested ^^^^

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