@jcsimonds @QueenOfEverything
He is a US citizen born to parents who were US citizens. Imagine a husband and wife go on vacation to Europe while the wife is pregnant. If the wife delivers the baby in Europe, the baby is still a US citizen; they just happen to be born abroad.
Kari Lake knows she has no chance of overturning the District Court on Appeal. She knows this, and her lawyers know this.
She also knows that she will be seen as giving up if she doesn't file. This is not a good look for someone who is fundraising off the litigation.
When she loses on appeal, she will file for cert with #SCOTUS; it will be denied, but she has to be seen as fighting, or the money stops.
Interesting read on why some individuals find it so difficult to acknowledge they were or might be wrong. Why, even when confronted with overwhelming evidence and proof, will they refuse to consider it?
WTF is with the laser beam eyes?
Some of you have asked for longer-form writing from me ... I have no damn idea why but here you go...
@danialexis 😂 😅
@JailTheTrumps whoa whoa whoa ... wrong answers ... not imposible answers
@RJMay3 lol Happy early birthday!
Ah #CoSo how i have missed you !
@MaynardLeeRoth this is definitely the most disturbing one I've seen?
Welcome to CounterSocial! You probably skipped reading the Terms of Service, but we have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to community abuse. Our community is made up of real people, each of whom is responsible for curating their own experience.
For best results, pick an avatar and post about the things you like. Since there is no algorithm, hashtags are recommended, but not required.
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@brian64 no lies detected
@MPCavalier oh its not an automatic write off. If and when he loses a primary he will run as independent. He will sow as much chaos as he can. THERE IS NO REASON TO IGNORE HIM RIGHT NOW. It still needs to be full throttle again his BS. We can't let up we can't ignore, and we can't surrender to McCheeto face. I believe he will be indicted, probably in January or early February. In at one case if not all of them.
DON'T ignore him, DON'T let up
God Morning #CoSo been gone for a few days, still trying to finish fixing the house from #hurricaneIan almost done.
Few things:
1. Running won't save him from prosecution.
1a. Not even a little.
2. He won't win in a primary.
2a. He won't win in a general.
3. Notice how many endorsements he DIDN'T get last night
And most importantly
4. He is still an assclown
@mgulla on twitter
Law student, dad, husband... Tired
CyberSecurity/Law, National Security Law
Central Florida