italian #Euroc traitors
circulating fans back with a vengeance
soccer mom hate
and many more things you didn't know you wanted to know, in today's #onthisday almanac:
Self-booked funerals
Armies wanting #drones to kill people. In 2012
#politics making humans unable to do #math
Heroic vote about #911Day
all this and much more, in my daily #onthisday #serendipity Almanac
Your #serendipityembrace dose #OnThisDay :
Age Of Imbecile
who will own #robots
#whatsapp destroying villages
Automatic Wildness Creators
and much more at
#cyberspace doesn't exist,
real value of #gmail,
drowning in #iot,
being InDistractable
and much more in my #serendipityembrace Almanac #OnThisDay :
Your daily ratio of #serendipity is here!
Selected #onthisday news from 2009 to 2023 about
Who owns your myths
What teachers want to say
Keeping #pets is unethical
#IoT being a step BACKWARDS
and much more at
#onthisday serendipity, 2007/2023:
Omni #google,
#SiliconValley is just 2nd hand #religion
#vegan is no answer
#Facebook, #Twitter Execs Warn of ‘Overwhelming’ Threat to Elections... in 2018
and much more at
First reactions to my call for a world with #UBI, without #DEBT , #GDP, ridiculous #growth and tamed #corporations are positive.
What are yours?
embrace #serendipity (also) through my daily almanac!
From insane #copyright to #vegan babies, #quietquitting and mocking #BurningMan,
interesting stuff that happened #onthisday, between 2009 and 2023
My daily #onthisday Almanac, today from 2006 to 2023:
dangerous #russia bloggers, #Vatican worries, depressing myths about workers & consumers and much more at:
#serendipity rules!
Life skills workshops (#nutrition, #cooking, financial literacy) to help students transition to independent living
Sure, much of this stuff belongs to #parenting, NOT schools
But why aren't such courses mandatory in EVERY university?
#onthisday, 2009 to 2023:
defending web links
stupid attacks to #Syria
#permaculture fails
screens are bad
breaking up #facebook
Dugin's theories
drowning in #plastic
Peak Car
Social Mobility Illusion
all this and more at
Of aging, pensions, "experience" lost, and "innovation"
a hugely important, urgent theme:
Today's #onthisday almanac, because #serendipity and memory matter A LOT.
Selected links on interesting things in this day, from 2005 to 2023 (*):
proof n. 999999999999....
that #google sucks, #duckduckgo is much better:
My new #onthisday almanac service, because #serendipity and memory matter.
interesting things that happened on this day, from 2008 to 2023 (*), from #iraq to #brexit
My new #onthisday almanac service, because #serendipity and memory matter.
Selected linksto stuff worth reading, from 1995 (1995!!!!!) to 2023:
Translation: the rich won't just look better, they'll live longer too
(yes, it's already so, but further progress in THAT direction only isn't something to really rejoy about)
Aspiring polymath, Tech Writer available for hire. See for details