
My close friend who was looking after me during quarantine has been missing since friday. Filed a missing persons report on sunday and its tuesday with still no word. Has all my cards but not used them. Country is in lockdown and police have told us we can't look for them. Haven't felt this worried in a long time.

@lilyunsub would you like to share info on here? Possibly someone’s in your area and can keep a lookout?

@catie Franklin area of south auckland in New Zealand. Driving a blue Santa Fe SUV with chipped/fading paint. mid 40s maori guy, about 5'7 with patchy goatee and calm presence.

@ceb he turned up at home today. Had gone to help a friend who was being abused by her ex-partner during the lockdown but then ended up getting alcohol poisoning afterwards. He's recovering now. Not even sure how to process it. Glad he is home safe though.

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