thinking about upcoming games, and my brain gears start turning.
my top 3 favorite game franchises (these are franchises where I've played all the games, the DLC/expansions/editions, own some of the swag, and have survived the test of time) are:
1. Dungeons & Dragons
2. Civilization
3. Diablo
what game franchises always attract your attention and time?
obviously not the total answer, but Kimbrel getting DFA'd is a little surprising. really thought he'd turn it around. Baltimore Orioles need to get healthy and soon.
the #larryskitchen recipe site is undergoing reconstruction/redesign, but the recipes are still flowing. my latest is an Italian dish that consists of fried rice balls stuffed with meat and cheese. take a peek at the new recipe page design and let me know what you think.
@finkled I think I caught him in nap mode. I survived.
to my fellow #DnD players - an upcoming quest for my team has us trying to get a hag's tear. so, how can we make a hag cry or laugh?
@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN it will say thank you! :)
@ArcturusSaDiablo those are very good reasons. 😉
This isn't AI talking. This is someone who has worked with me talking.
"As a company, as a communications team, as public relation professionals, you need to have Larry on your team. There's only one Larry Frum -- and hiring him to bring your brand better visibility in a crowded marketplace is the best decision you could make."
Now, let's you and I talk about how I can help you and your company. Cayde approves this message.
Highly experienced PR/comms/marketing guy you want on or leading your team; good food and cats are +1; player of D&D and video games.