She's also struggling with the swelling & soreness when she is in bed. Trying to keep her body warm but her leg cool & elevated. Elevating it with help is relatively easy but on her own it's extremely difficult.
When she walks to a different room like the living room & sits down, she needs to raise her leg up. We've been using boxes with cushions to prop her leg up, but the right height & stability eludes us. Does anyone know of any affordable products on Amazon I could get to help her?
Okay people of CoSo I need some advice, please & thank you in advance!😅
My mom just had her Total Knee Replacement surgery. She's got the walker & a few things the Red Cross are loaning her, but it's not been enough. She is in tears from the pain frequently & I need some ideas for affordable solutions to some of her problems. She struggles lifting her leg to get into & out of bed when I'm at work. She's using a cane upside down to lift her foot, but it's bad with her arthritis in her hands.
@mcfate another big one is anything in-house, like house brands or anything from a company's in house farming/fishing (like my company owns an entire fishing fleet) when we buy from the fleet, we're buying from ourselves at whatever price the head office decides to set it at. So they can entirely be inflating costs artificially to maximize profits and we wouldn't be able to prove it because our seafood or fresh meats invoices are razor thin on margins.
@mcfate I will say, as someone who has worked grocery retail for almost two decades and disappointed his whole family, the margin aren't so razor thin as they would like all to believe. Many margins with shelf stable products are more like 50-70%. Major suppliers also do kick-backs on bulk buys that the store level won't see. Where we lose money is in fresh meats, produce and loss leaders. That said, price gouging is happening on all levels, from suppliers to stores and logistics costs.
@th3j35t3r I won't be off work until 10:15 PST but I wish I could attend 😭
@mcfate interesting!
I did not directly navigate to this result, first I was looking up how much Olympic athletes earn (turns out it is rather disappointing to hear!) and went through a few of those "Google search suggestions" that show up at the bottom.
It struck me as incredibly unusual.
@th3j35t3r if you're running for President I will find a way to vote
So, my brand new MSI Pre-built got some kinda wonky windows update that messed with MSI center, and while I keep the LEDs turned off at all times, will randomly have the machine light up like HAL 9000 in the middle of the night, waking me and freaking out neighbors as it is a pulsating, flickering red. After it got me up at 3 am last night for an hour unsuccessfully trying to fix it, going to have to crack it open tonight and disconnect the LEDs manually.Any suggestions for what I'm looking for?
@mcfate while not entirely the same, but in the same vein, I am definitely one of the people who will memorize the heck out of an article or paper that interests me, but forget to bookmark or keep it in any way, then after referencing it in a story or argument, be unable to locate it to produce it 😂😅
My favorite example of this, when I was a kid I read about a Canadian astronaut who attached red mercury crystals to bacteria in space and grew it, but can't find the article archived anywhere 😭
Oh, the Iron E...
Studies find oxygen is being produced by metals on the ocean floor, studies that were funded by a Metals Mining company that now wants to dispute the findings.
Gamer! Canadian! Stupidly energetic!
Yes that's my cat Corusca, yes I gave her a Star Wars name since she was born on May the 4th.
Those cookies contain bacon.