Bacteriophage therapy could lead to the end of drug-resistant infections: (academic) popular #drugresistance #bactioerphages #virology #medicine #medicalscience
Surprisingly blunt saber-rattling from the Chinese ambassador to the United States over Taiwan: #china #peoplesrepublicofchina #unitedstates #usa #us #unitedstatesofamerica #republicofchina #taiwan #threats
@Kitty62862 Do you feel the same way about (e.g.) the percentage of Omicron infections? Do you think that doctors have to test every single COVID patient to know what percentage are Omicron infections, or are there such things as confidence intervals, z-scores, and standard deviations that let us speak about global populations while only polling a subset?
@EileenKCarpenter There is stretching, but when you add up all the factors, I think there is a compelling argument. I could be wrong.
@ContentWarningVirusB42 No hate perceived, CNTNT. I egg because I am reluctant to get too invested in any social media, even this place.
Sleeping helps babies learn language: #language #sleep #infants #newborns #development #psychologicaldevelopment
@Kitty62862 All polls have populations, none are global. And all public opinion is changing at all times.
@Sekhapada Maybe make a local affiliate party? They rely on fusion ticketing, which is only legal in Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Mississippi, New York, Oregon, South Carolina and Vermont (, but change has to start somewhere! The rural vote/working class vote/evangelic vote/low class white vote can actually be pretty responsive to progressive policies, depending on how they are framed and if you avoid wedge issues.
@AllisonKaye Is he also going to take a supplement that makes his chest redder?
@ContentWarningVirusB42 Or white noise, but yes, that too.
(Only) seventy percent of Americans want the 45th president to stay out of the 2024 election: #45 #polling #losers #newsweek #politics #2024election #2024unitedstatespresidentialelection
Jordan Peterson: “there’s no such thing as climate”: This is why Joe Rogan needs to be stopped (by the marketplace, not legally: he has not broadcast anything that is in the narrow range of what should be censored by the state). #jordanpeterson #climatechange #climatechangedenial #antiscience #stupidity #joerogan #joeroganexperience #misinformation #disinformation #lies #theindependent
Washington shuts down an Amazon price-fixing scheme: #trustbusting #populism #amazon #bigtech #frightfulfive #faang #pricefixing #whitecollarcrime
Bored Ape Yacht Club is racist: #boredapeyachtclub #nfts #racism #simianization
Ten sage tips for online security: Even if you are a long-term security pro, browsing here with TOR on public wifi with an laptop running Tails on a USB stick, it still helps to remind yourself of these practical behaviors. #security #onlinesecurity #propublica #hacker #hacking
@Sekhapada Some are:
The FCC approves Internet nutrition labels that will (should?) make Internet service provider costs and services easier to understand: #fcc #internet #internetserviceproviders #telecommunications #unitedstates #usa #us #unitedstatesofamerica
A Washington Post guide to possible nominees to the Supreme Court of the United States: #washingtonpost #wapo #supremecourt #scotus #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #guides
Sars-CoV-2 spike protein activates human endogenous retroviruses in blood cells: (academic), (popular) #rna #viruses #virology #covid #sars #sarscovid #covid19
@VelvetDuchess If only we had more Big Tech in our policing, then everything would be fine. Maybe some kind of cryptocurrency that rats you out if you buy drugs with it or something?
I'm tall but not too tall. See