
Annual Electric "true-up" after we installed 8Kw of grid-tied Solar...

2017: $-300
2018: $-200
2019: $-200
2020: $0
2021: $200
2022 $500
2023: $1250

What changed? Not our usage!

Power company (PG&E)...
1) Keeps raising rates
2) Keeps changing rate plans, moving "peak" later, which means you can't sell back at the higher rates

So, the utilities plan to make sure Solar customers pay up, even if they produce most of their own energy is working great!

@kay_dub Yeah, we were considering grid-tied solar panels but the local power company didn't allow any sell back, only give back.

Plus, they are not allowed on the front roof slopes of houses here and the front of our house faces south, so it wouldn't have been very efficient.

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