imagine -
if all those -
drink-makers -
could design -
drinks that let you -
use their own -
sweeteners -
what would the drink -
taste-like -
a sweetener -
just in-cited -
the story of Babel -
less an account -
of proliferation -
of languages -
and moore -
of proliferation -
of narratives -
dissolving -
an accounting -
of honesty -
syn-thetic intelligence -
of language-universes -
a singularity -
phase-transition -
emerginary -
evolutionary -
of babel-exity -
The emergence of new genes from nothing has fascinated researchers. We now have an elegant model for the evolution of RNA genes
12/12/2023 - New Moon
the “local news crisis” isn’t actually a journalism problem. It’s a civic health problem, and reliable, engaging civic information is critical to the way that communities are organized to define and address public problems.
centralised industrial and agricultural production established two groups: the bourgeoisie and the workers. Engels introduces the concept of the 1% and how its domination of the economy drove out independent tradesmen.
Gastrointestinal diseases often come with a dose of pain, in addition to disruptive digestive issues. Eating the wrong food, or too much of the right one, can cause a stomachache. Those gut feelings are driven by enteric nerve cells, including glia.
what could I measure -
that would actually -
tell me -
what’s going on? -
what can i measure -
to shape -
an understanding -
of what's going on? -
current flowing through their atoms-thin strand of metal. And they found that it flowed smoothly and evenly. So evenly, in fact, that it defied physicists’ standard conception of electricity in metals.
and just -
in-cited -
mycelium -
is interstitium -
instantiated -
in complex -
soil-ecologies -
public -
spaces -
rights-of-all -
fore-all - interstitium -
of collective-tacit-knowledge -
accounting -
fore the care of -
practicing of -
humanizing -
flourishing -
The world's biggest experimental nuclear fusion reactor in operation was inaugurated in Japan on Friday, a technology in its infancy but billed by some as the answer to humanity's future energy needs.
new electrocatalyst made of nickel (Ni), iron (Fe) and silicon (Si) that decreases the amount of energy required to synthesize H2 from water has been manufactured in a simple and cost-effective way,
why is sound -
sound - and light -
sight -
dimensionalities of -
light-waves -
our in-sight -
visual-imaginarium -
audio-imaginarium -
constraint-afford-dance -
of media-sensorialisms -
complexities in -
light-wave-spectrums -
sound-wave-spectrums -
or sensoriums -
the causes-and-effects -
mind -
the conditions-and-enablemeants -
sensorium -
this is what -
alive and -
living is -
sometimes it is -
not about -
causes-and-effects -
some-time-places -
are about -
conditions-and-enable-meants -
afford-able -
emerging as attractor-relations -
of an eco-habit-us -
12/5/2023 - Third Quarter Moon
under the “postquantum theory of classical gravity”, the rate at which time flows would wobble randomly, like the ebb and flow of a stream.
care-is-sensial -
from care -
comes trust-enable-meants -
movements -
of living full with -
caring-for -
caring-about -
caring-relations -
base-drum fundamental -
resonator -
rhythms-rhymes -
cycles-climes -
shaping all -
we live-in -
Foresight Shaman, Mytho-poet
un-disciplined mind - Curious interstitial forager, Dharma Bum
exploring alchemy of cultural change
Re-Imagining the Local #mmt