it's the dust -
those minimalist -
clean-empty-surfaces -
designed spaces -
to eradicate sediments -
& signal -
well attended things -
doesn't change -
the attending -
it redeems the guilt -
of not caring -
for a space -
of not having -
to care -
at their size scale, atoms must be described by quantum theory. this theory predicts that the wave-like picture predominates until a measurement disturbs it. Instead of localised bullets in empty space, matter delocalises into continuous quantum clouds
Creative Growth Art Center is an Oakland-based nonprofit organisation that ‘advances the inclusion of artists with developmental disabilities in contemporary art’.
mhm -
the fierce -
mugshot -
the nihilism -
of a beauty pout -
a jealousy -
un-caring -
mhm -
a wanta be -
pout -
and a jealousy -
of melania -
mhm -
the surrender -
to georgia -
wonder -
total-times -
rehearsed for-
the mugging -
it's reality-spectacle -
politics-tv -
the night's -
white-bronco -
8/24/2022 - First Quarter Moon
felt my shadows -
mystic-ery -
eye-ing -
saccades of awareness -
sensing moments -
were-re-cognition -
in-flowing impermanence -
dys-myth-ia -
of shadows -
reform-gulations -
by the light -
in sight -
mhm -
the #ricogang -
of georgia -
the shows in town -
em-bodies -
and re-membering -
desires -
evaporating in -
saudades-of-intimacy -
the almost-and-never-there -
the eternal-presence-of-absence -
Make peace with how you can be influenced. Nothing I make is either entirely new or totally original. Everything I have designed has been influenced by something or someone else. What may make the work seem more original is that I tend to avoid trends so
mhm -
we put-up a fence -
name it a de-fence -
gaslighting -
an offensive aim -
pondering -
the use of munchies -
fore-recalibration -
sensing-experience -
and accounting -
it's good for me -
to benefits -
extra satisfaction of -
well-making embodimeants -
and affording placebo -
whither -
we know -
or-knot -
it's a placebo -
Trum-Pettite post-Georgia campaign slogan
Manipulating Users Grift Again
still unfolding -
tastes -
shivers of -
co-here-and-sing -
the re-membered -
embodhi-meants -
meme-aeries -
and in this way -
find -
a-where -
am -
eye -
mhm -
the family gathering -
and after -
a sort of hang -
over -
an out of sorts -
and -
a calibrating -
generative - re-sorts -
8/16/2022 - New Moon
fasci-nation -
quorum-sensor-ing -
nostalgia-ttractors -
questing-enacted-purpose -
questing personal-time-space -
how each focus -
incites counter focus -
classic proceptions -
paradox optical illusions -
yin-yanging -
particle-wave -
superposition -
simultaneity -
the anxiety -
shaping each of us -
in-particular -
is not is the same pattern -
of anxiety that shapes -
everybody -
things are always -
the same -
then things change -
until they are the same again -
Foresight Shaman, Mytho-poet
un-disciplined mind - Curious interstitial forager, Dharma Bum
exploring alchemy of cultural change
Re-Imagining the Local #mmt