imagine -
if all those -
drink-makers -
could design -
drinks that let you -
use their own -
sweeteners -
what would the drink -
taste-like -
a sweetener -
just in-cited -
the story of Babel -
less an account -
of proliferation -
of languages -
and moore -
of proliferation -
of narratives -
dissolving -
an accounting -
of honesty -
syn-thetic intelligence -
of language-universes -
a singularity -
phase-transition -
emerginary -
evolutionary -
of babel-exity -
12/12/2023 - New Moon
what could I measure -
that would actually -
tell me -
what’s going on? -
what can i measure -
to shape -
an understanding -
of what's going on? -
and just -
in-cited -
mycelium -
is interstitium -
instantiated -
in complex -
soil-ecologies -
public -
spaces -
rights-of-all -
fore-all - interstitium -
of collective-tacit-knowledge -
accounting -
fore the care of -
practicing of -
humanizing -
flourishing -
why is sound -
sound - and light -
sight -
dimensionalities of -
light-waves -
our in-sight -
visual-imaginarium -
audio-imaginarium -
constraint-afford-dance -
of media-sensorialisms -
complexities in -
light-wave-spectrums -
sound-wave-spectrums -
or sensoriums -
the causes-and-effects -
mind -
the conditions-and-enablemeants -
sensorium -
this is what -
alive and -
living is -
sometimes it is -
not about -
causes-and-effects -
some-time-places -
are about -
conditions-and-enable-meants -
afford-able -
emerging as attractor-relations -
of an eco-habit-us -
12/5/2023 - Third Quarter Moon
care-is-sensial -
from care -
comes trust-enable-meants -
movements -
of living full with -
caring-for -
caring-about -
caring-relations -
base-drum fundamental -
resonator -
rhythms-rhymes -
cycles-climes -
shaping all -
we live-in -
the abductor -
the abduction -
the abductive reasoning -
of metaphor -
and entailing logics -
of a narrative capture -
of reason's abduction -
mhm -
mirror-worlds -
uncanny-shadow-twins -
an alchemy -
self-shaping -
in a schismogenesis -
of doppelgangers -
wonder of -
a denial -
hidden in assumptions -
of instrumental-dominance -
athletic-virtuosity -
and the shadows -
of fear-hate -
of attractors -
in our imaginarium -
of desired -
seductions -
the fitness landscape -
a conceptual -
brilliance -
and the question -
who does the shaping -
of who -
life builds environments -
as environments shape -
niche-species -
and where does fitness -
come from -
left to one's own devices -
traditionally understood as -
to allow (someone) -
to do what they -
want or is able to do -
without being controlled -
or helped -
by anyone else -
often expressed as -
be left to one's own -
devices -
to our know-how -
to be human -
there no possibility -
of a generic -
model of a human society -
without culture -
there is no objective -
assessment of values -
because values are -
what must be used -
to shape -
what we see -
as values -
11/27/2023 - Full Moon
sigh -
and the dirge of anti-t-rump -
and righteously so -
and inciting -
ideo-logic-schismogenesis -
symmetrically-narrating -
question is -
who's gaining -
from the chaos -
of eroding -
public-trust -
Foresight Shaman, Mytho-poet
un-disciplined mind - Curious interstitial forager, Dharma Bum
exploring alchemy of cultural change
Re-Imagining the Local #mmt