they don't care -
they tear -
it all down -
prepared to wait -
till all has fallen -
to their shit -
as magical wants -
to enact-their-beliefs -
cult of cargo trumpistics -
5/12/2022 - Third Quarter Moon
and how can i -
explain -
so many aches -
of maybe -
this one -
so many make and -
break-ups -
what's the cause -
weigh -
luck -
flaws -
or traumas -
commons -
is to market -
what young-lady -
is to old-lady -
optical-illusion -
identical -
matter in structure -
and offer two -
entangle-meant-attractors -
so what does it mean -
for entangled ideo-logics -
and their entail-meants -
to make light -
of shadows -
mhm -
a time-synch -
were untimes -
are wolfed -
and slink -
into the -
lost-ness -
of space -
and that is -
what -
entangle-meant is -
mhm -
a time-synch -
were untimes -
are wolfed -
and slink -
into the -
lost-ness -
of space -
15th natal day -
celebration -
smart-screen -
communication -
pocket-computer -
can you -
re-member -
life before -
you carried your -
mobile -
everyware -
signal -
in the flow -
signal -
not too slow -
stimulate and not -
too early -
find that wave -
and go -
as life enables -
it so -
a life of -
listening-enacting -
with music -
is not un-real -
is not un-natural -
it is the birth of -
mind -
with the know-how -
of collective-mind -
and i -
and i -
so love this-
rhythm -
this melody -
these way-ward notes -
murmurating -
a flock -
in sacred awe -
paling prayer -
with embrace -
sail -
sail on the -
solar-winds -
light-flight -
a moment of -
dis-traction -
a slip-in-a-grip -
hoping fore -
learning and -
land-ing -
berth and -
home -
and the philes -
all searching -
fore-age -
less-techno-logically -
precise -
enaction-simulation -
of a reel -
world-afford-dance -
where the streets -
lead -
where the altered -
wayfind -
the imaginarium -
re-calling -
re-cognizing -
one thing -
with another -
and of course -
that is neither -
good-nor-false -
a hero is -
a hero in -
a context of -
fighting-for-integrity of -
belief-enaction -
that majority rule is -
the making -
of figure-ground-ing -
so who our hero's are -
signal our -
to-die-for values -
5/12/2022 - Third Quarter Moon
all this to say -
slipping into -
write-thinking -
thinking-by-writing -
and pun 2 -
probing -
'financialization' as -
meta-fore -
how value -
becomes -
a publicly -
quorum-made -
attractor -
casino -
who owns -
the house -
i glimpse -
shadows in the -
behind-space -
dimensions -
perceive-ables -
drama-narratives -
what distances -
from taking -
face-value -
education -
to understand -
relationships -
histories -
change -
all-the-shaping-going-on -
there's -
a 'dexter-ness' -
there -
with the sardonic -
comic-wit -
and moral pathos -
and taboos -
of today -
pondering -
a moment -
awakening -
to awareness of -
awareness -
in the where of -
fields of -
sensorial enactions -
manifold-ing experiences -
like -
here-ing a symphony -
with-in midsts of -
sounds -
Foresight Shaman, Mytho-poet
un-disciplined mind - Curious interstitial forager, Dharma Bum
exploring alchemy of cultural change
Re-Imagining the Local #mmt