honesty -
is not by necessity -
the truth -
honesty -
affords -
a measure of trust -
enabling -
good faith -
coordination of -
collective capacity -
to make living -
more worthwhile -
by flourishing together -
like an invisible -
hand -
that is -
the problem -
in the heart -
of the religions -
of economi-cological -
beings -
sin=guilt=debt -
and so -
all are born -
into -
original debt -
and redemption is -
attaining freedom -
and forgiveness -
from debt -
and guilt-sin -
of-in-debtedness -
so now -
i get it -
fear of the -
woke -
is all about -
keeping -
everyone -
In slumber -
dreaming -
fairy tales
mhm -
never meta -
face -
bookie -
that was -
honest -
the law -
that links -
them all -
would seem -
to involve -
scale-constraint-relations -
that sense -
of all that's -
going on -
everything is -
coherent with -
either-or of -
Le-Carre and Fawlty-Towers -
is this -
feeling -
the absurd -
1/28/2022 - First Quarter Moon
to be one -
species -
on one planet -
of ecologies -
what gives us -
common touch -
common embodied -
know-how -
typing level's up -
cult-earned-tangle-enactmeants -
in meme-dia -
and practicali-ties -
of learning-knowing-using -
in future-eyezing -
to speak is now -
to write is to-morrow -
to make today -
less uncertain -
accounts -
of memory -
way-shaping -
unknown tomorrows -
framing the narrative -
voice -
and directed it too -
it was good -
with a hollywood -
hopeful mourning -
finish -
awareness-of-what-is -
is what awareness-is -
to census -
what presents -
to the sensorium -
the middle-way -
is a way-finding -
process -
to make-sense -
of patterns -
of events -
and behold -
'thar be apophenia thar' -
when thresholds -
are breached -
and pattern re-cognition -
is enabled -
pattern-finding -
is inevitable
1/14/2022 - Third Quarter Moon
that sense -
it's almost -
true -
true in the -
craft -
sense -
of creating a beautiful -
enactmeant -
fit for purpose -
is it -
true enough -
debts -
are obligations-for -
and promises-of -
credit and -
redemption -
from requisite -
mutual accountings -
of relationships -
we are born into -
original debt -
we live by hunting -
for redemption -
from what -
of course -
we are going to need -
automated statistics -
for generative self -
reflections -
of the ever-vaster -
ecosystems of histories -
of relational -
data-entangling -
environ-meants -
a multiverse -
of immemories -
for narrating -
our brands -
how one has -
sensings -
inciting -
having more -
transformations -
metabolisms -
of meaning and media -
attractors of re-self-productions -
1/14/2022 - Third Quarter Moon
Foresight Shaman, Mytho-poet
un-disciplined mind - Curious interstitial forager, Dharma Bum
exploring alchemy of cultural change
Re-Imagining the Local #mmt