mhm -
if audience -
is the only -
success metric -
#trumPetite's -
infomercial -
got more audience -
than he could ever -
afford -
as what he is now -
#loser -
mhm -
#deSantis -
the next -
#trumPetite -
every metric -
that becomes -
the frame -
is immediately -
a frame-up -
isms -
and the aunties -
are obsessed -
by addiction -
to the rushes -
of marketing -
the consumptions of -
the general will -
it's not -
how accounting -
constructs a future -
it's about -
how mystery -
constructs -
an accounting -
every financial -
transaction -
is also a non-financial -
transaction -
every credit-debt account -
enacts an account -
of a relationship -
an irreducible mystery -
of accounting for a -
future of flourishing -
well being -
two keepers -
of the keys -
to the lock box -
one was keeper of -
the money-metric key -
the other was
the keeper of -
key of values -
beyond measure -
rational -
ration -
ratio -
proportion -
account which is symmetrical -
re-fraction -
to zero sum -
ir-rational for -
flourishing of -
emergent afford-dancing -
good-faith -
honest accounts -
rely-able measures -
to value values -
accepted -
as worth valuing -
a 1,000 weekends -
plus or minus some -
my lovely autistic daughter -
has had her lovely autistic friend -
over fridday night to saturday -
a clock timing -
of joy -
did my wordle -
and now -
re-cognizing -
as so interesting -
the algorithm-Izing -
choices of -
alpha-numeric -
assemblages -
in making -
meaning bearing -
words -
training -
the training data -
mhm -
a frame is -
an algorithm -
of information compression -
constrained by -
entailing -
aesthetic-moral -
fidelity -
11/30/2022 - First Quarter Moon
mhm -
could it be -
social-media -
has been re-cognized -
as a culture -
to grow assemblages -
of ‘brown-shirt’ masses -
maesthrowed -
at the pleasure -
of grifters -
so -
entangled-intense -
sensory-imagining -
awakening-in-experience -
tremulous -
reverberations -
perturbations -
en-action -
with -
wordle -
delivers -
training data -
for ai -
to harvest -
sense-sweepings -
entailing rhetori-logics -
framing anticipation -
of sense-making -
it’s meta-for -
everything -
everywhere -
till -
meta is metaphor -
nothing -
it’s how to -
expand-entangle -
accounts of experience-in-environments -
to know what -
‘normal’ is -
other than assort of baseline -
common sensorial-attractors -
experience of past experience -
for comparison -
guiding in-by -
anticipation -
for response-abilities -
so -
who are -
twitsla's advertisers -
? -
mhm -
worst case scenario -
for evolution -
survival -
without death -
no death -
no survival -
no adaptation -
no evolution -
best case scenario -
abundant flourishing -
metabolisms -
niche possibles -
response-abilities -
Foresight Shaman, Mytho-poet
un-disciplined mind - Curious interstitial forager, Dharma Bum
exploring alchemy of cultural change
Re-Imagining the Local #mmt