@jm__rives I heard a story about them on NPR recently. I hate that they’re allowed to exist. If the healthcare needed were cancer or heart disease this kind of shit would be illegal. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
#WhiteChristianist #CrisisPregancyCenters have been permitted to defraud the public with their anti-reproductive health snake oil for decades. They are unregulated and unaccountable for their dangerous lies.
Let's talk about why it happened in Russia.... https://youtu.be/Y2hVaLhUtdM via @YouTube
Can evangelical Christianity be saved from right-wing extremism? https://flux.community/matthew-sheffield/2023/06/can-evangelical-christianity-be-saved-from-right-wing-extremism/
Governor Hobbs issues executive order stripping all 15 elected county attorneys of their ability to prosecute abortion cases, hands it to Kris Mayes who contends women in AZ have an absolute right to abortion. https://tucson.com/news/local/subscriber/arizona-gov-hobbs-strips-county-prosecutors-of-ability-to-prosecute-abortion-cases/article_b4b1a226-11d9-11ee-946f-f39bb13adc38.html
#BringBackStarTrekProdigy #StarTrek @startrek @paramountplus Star Trek Prodigy is an exciting, delightful, entertaining entry into the Star Trek family, how dare you suffocate it in it's cradle. Bring this show back to streaming and finish season 2!
The Florida Board of Med is up to new fuckery concerning gender affirming care in FL and I am pissed off that it is PRIDE weekend where I am and I have to spend my energy on reading their crap so that I can explain it to others. I love my job and I am so proud of the work we do, but I am so sick of the Florida Board of Med and their cruelty. HULK EFFING SMASH.
' U.S. Navy Detected Titan Sub Implosion Days Ago '
@startrek #AdAstraPerAspera #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds Was incredible!
I feel like I've been hit by a shuttle.