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Josh Gold boosted

Hey new CoSo friends - welcome! As you get to know Counter Social, bear in mind that we do not have quite the massive corporate infrastructure that Twitter or Facebook has = so the intense influx of new people is giving us a bit of the wobbles. That's temporary and to be expected with a big surge of new users. Just hang tight, relax, get to know CoSo and things will calm down and get even keeled soon enough.

@Urban_Milkmaid it’ll get much better once the insanity of the last few hours dies down.

@Anance check out for general war news, and to stay up to date on Russia’s top losses.

Oh, and welcome!

@amazinggracie I believe that may be a glitch due to the very heavy influx of new accounts right now. PLP is Public Landing Page, which is a “pro” feature. You should not need a pro account to upload a new image. I’d say try again in a few hours or tomorrow, and if things still aren’t working shoot an email to [email protected]

@rainymetal Welcome! Try checking out and following @CoSoTips to help ease the transition.

@Rodeconn check out

With no algorithm to feed you content, hashtags are the best way to find and follow what interests you!

@PeppermintPatty it definitely takes getting used to. You can check out and follow @CoSoTips to help ease the transition. And welcome!

@atomictrigger yes, just glitchy right now with the refugee wave. It’ll calm down in a few hours :-)


I swear nothing has gotten less intuitive than trying to sync content to an iPhone. WTF happened to just opening iTunes, clicking check boxes, then clicking "Sync"??

Now apparently I have to open Books, import my audiobook there, quit Books, open Finder, watch my phone disappear from the sidebar, try to airdrop the file instead, discover that just saves it to the drive but doesn't add it as a playable audiobook, and finally weep.

All I want is to hear about space marines killing aliens!

That feeling of a cough settling into your lungs for the long haul is just the worst.

He doesn't rate a mention on the site, but retired police Lt. Colonel Yuri Rupasov made the decision to unretire and invade a peaceful nation. He went back home in a box.

Russian Colonel Vadim Boyko [Cargo ID #526] has just been added to the list. He was very likely fragged by some mobiks he was "training", though RU media is reporting it as a suicide.

They do confirm, however, that he died by 5 gunshot wounds to the chest, fired by a pistol that was not his, and left no suicide note. I guess you can decide what to believe!

Russian Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vshivtsev [Cargo ID #525] has just been added to the list:

Russian Major Nikolai Saidov [Cargo ID #524] has just been added to the list. He was the commander of a drone unit.

People need to take the temperature down WRT Poland. Invoking Article 4 is not a call for war. Article 4 literally just gives member states the right to setup a meeting with all other member states. That’s it. It’s Poland saying “Yo, guys, I think we better figure some stuff out together.”

So far Duda has done everything right and is telling people not to overreact and let themselves be manipulated. It’s good advice.

My daughter (4.5) has been wanting to practice her writing these past few nights after dinner. She has determined that the word “was” is, in fact, upside down.

And you know… I can’t unsee that, and I’m not entirely convinced she’s wrong!

Russian Lieutenant Colonel Kabitsky Vyacheslav [Cargo ID #523] has just been added to the list. He was commander of the 1st Tank Battalion of the 64th Separate Guards Motor Rifle Brigade (the primary unit responsible for the Bucha massacre)

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Josh Gold

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.