I should probably just get this out of the way now:
I dislike Christmas, because it’s a difficult time of the year for me.
My wife and son love Christmas, and I do not want to spoil it for them.
But sometimes it is freaking difficult to maintain my facade. And today is one of those days.
Here are 2 reasons why Xmas is tough for me.
#christmas #GriefSucks
I'm so, so sorry. What a deep loss to have to relive annually, no matter how many years have gone by.
Have you thought about celebrating on the closest weekend, rather than the day? Not sure if it would help much, but I'm just throwing something out that I would try myself.
Sending virtual hugs. You're a great dad and husband 💜
@ExecutiveFunction404 Thank you! 💙
It’s a whole thing, we always travel at Xmas to the town where I’m from and where my wife’s parents live (and where mine lived).
So it’s the anniversary coupled with going back “home” and - well, you get the idea!
My goal is to get through it and not to keeper my inner Scrooge locked away! 😣
@ExecutiveFunction404 You get it! Unfortunately it has to be there, and it has to be Xmas (every year) for reasons! 🤨
I’m no saint, I’m just doing my best to be fake cheery and not ruin it for everybody else.
You're a much stronger human than I am. I honestly don't think I could do that ❤️