UC Berkeley students sad about missing commencement built a beautiful replica of the campus on Minecraft, and it's so good that the Chancellor and other speakers have endorsed it and are going to join the ceremony at 2pm Pacific. Plus a massive 2-day music festival with a huge lineup starting today at 4pm Pacific! Both on MInecraft and also streaming on Twitch
Welp, my local supermarket fell victim to the toilet paper hordes last night apparently #coronavirus
The Kincaid Fire in Sonoma is really something else - evacuation map shows a HUGE area, and it's 10% contained as of now. Link to source here: https://sonomacounty.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=2cb4401e1fc0494dbf9d9e22aa794617
Came across this cute mini art installation on a sidewalk tree stump this morning, and apparently the artist has left quite a few more around #foundontelegraph #cosoart foundontelegraph.com
For anyone in the Bay Area who may need it, here is a list from PG&E about community centers they are opening tomorrow for people affected by the power shutoff. Only open during daylight hours though! #bayarea #pgeshutdown #emergencyprep
Couch potato. Enjoy history, science-ey stuff, and Bay Area fog! I follow people who seem to have interesting things to say/share