"A point that emerges both from theoretical work and from laboratory experiments is that cooperation at the molecular level is essential for the survival of replicating sequences.
A key aim of this Review is to describe the different senses in which cooperation is relevant in the RNA World. We argue that RNA replication must also fit into a broader thermodynamic and biological context if this were to form the basis of life."
perhaps this is why these tiny cells are so crowded.
"RNA-directed catalysis can actually be improved upon compartmentalization95. The mechanism for this seems to be molecular crowding, such that the local con- centration of RNA can be increased, leading to a catalytic enhancement of up to 70-fold. Thus, the mere process of putting RNA into a tiny cell-like structure can confer a selective advantage on a genotype."
here's the crux of the question: how did the sense of "the whole" emerge so that a system could behave as a "being"?
"focusing not on single reactions in isolation but on the collective set of processes that must all occur contemporaneously, systems chemistry can lead to the discovery of ‘multifers’ in which the system as a whole can establish itself through the shared use of common conditions, reactants or products."
Will read later.
and then comment.
some fascinating questions to guide and develop this jigsaw puzzle.