For the first time in decades, wage growth is consistently stronger in the middle & at the bottom than at the top

It’s the Biden vs. Trump Economy—and Hell No, It’s NOT EVEN CLOSE

Sinclair Fascists Infiltrate Local News With Lara Trump’s RNC Playbook

Local news sites across the country are being injected with talking points

"selling gays a cake is participating in the marriage

but selling a gun to a shooter isn't participating in murder?"

via alternet

The CRIMINAL Supreme Court Is a Joke. It’s Not Funny

Arrogant ignorant dumbfcuking justices accidentally, repeatedly referenced LAUGHING GAS in a disastrous ruling before declaring that judges know better than &

worth a mention:

i cancelled my subscription to the traitorous, lying 3 weeks ago & will donate those moneys to democratic campaigns instead

SenJDVance said presidents should have for crimes they commit while in office, but declined to say if President Biden should not be prosecuted for unspecified criminal activity

"only rethuglican presidents have immunity for their "

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GrrlScientist ⧖ Ⓥ

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