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grayhann boosted

There's a crazy little shack beyond the tracks
And everybody calls it the sugar shack
Well, it's just a coffeehouse and it's made out of wood
Espresso coffee tastes mighty good๐ŸŽถ
Jimmy Gilmer & The Fireballs,- Sugar Shack

grayhann boosted

Forgot to play this yesterday.

L'รฉclipse - Sean Lennon

*looks at the time

๐ŸŽถ It's three o'clock in the morning...๐ŸŽถ

ZZ Top - I Need You Tonight

For you football fans; around 2:00 is what I would be like as a ref.

So...apparently something happened outside this afternoon while I was sleeping?

Does anyone know if the Rapture is taking place everywhere or just along the path of totality?

grayhann boosted

More exciting new for Sky/Star Watchers!
Comet Pons-Brooks, also known as the Devil Comet, recently intensified in its radiance and was seen by naked eyes in rural areas (no urban lights). For some it might be visible during eclipse totality. For others, try watching shortly after sunset, as the sky begins to darken. The comet will definitely be visible with binoculars or a telescope through April 21st, just above the horizon as pictured below.

Share this experience with others!

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