Biden's never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna turn around
And desert you
Well then, how about this as DJT's entrance music?
Ya couldn't just rickroll us, could ya?! 🤣
@Nordicfae @peeppeepcircus @Kittiekatt53
Hopefully the Twin Lakes area is far enough west of the New Madrid fault zone to only sustain minor damage. Eastbound travel past the 62/412 bridge at Henderson, ain't gonna be pretty, though.
Hang in there, man. The current anxiety is temporary. You know this. Maybe focus on shifting your perspective? Acknowledge and appreciate that with each slow, steady breath you're closer to finally getting a needed medical procedure. And in the Now, you're safe and very much loved. 🫶
Well, as a former FL resident, the Space Coast locals' collective fantasy was for rude Canadians to head back north with a New Yorker under each arm. Not quantitative, but yeah. Glad most of the Canadians and NYers I've known have been pretty cool people.
Triple digit heat? Bake dashboard cookies!
Map reveals how your home's climate will change in 50 years
Washington D.C. is set to become as warm as northern Louisiana in 2080, scientists report, as summers could be 11.5 degrees Fahrenheit warmer
Maybe a little slow, but not considered cognitively impaired.
For those wanting data:
Hey! If my #CakeSpouse was a Dalek and threatened to annihilate me... FAFO, buddy. I'm hungry. Don't threaten me with a good time. 😂
Well, my currently un-caffeinated brain decided to throw a curve ball. If my #CakeSpouse was a wedding cake, would the couple represented on top be me and a wedding cake?
As Arsenio used to say, "things that make you go 'hmmm'". 🤔
Huh. Perhaps a different approach for a tribute would work.
Someone left my #CakeSpouse in the rain...
Mmmm. Moist!
Queen of the Long Game ~ Charmingly Twisted ~ Gen-X OG ~ ODAAT/JFT June 1995 ♥ =)