@CinnamonGirlE They had some at the local store, but when I smelled them, they had _no smell whatsoever_. I could smell the plastic bag, people's hands that had touched the package and the fruit, but the fruit itself had less scent to it than a sheet of new paper.
It was like looking at tiny sculptures of cherries.
Yes, they would have to stay there. 🍒 😂
@CinnamonGirlE I was actually weirded out that I could see them, and smell everything except them. How the hell do you make a cherry smell like nothing?
Maybe they have been bred in such a way that made them appear beautiful and/or last long. Yet completely devoid of any juice or odor. A beautiful replica, like you said.
@CinnamonGirlE I suspect that in the interest of producing faster and shipping easier, they've made tough, pretty fruit that they left the taste and nutrients part out of a lot of produce.
Exactly. Why should it matter if it tastes good as long as money is made?
@CinnamonGirlE Because eventually, if they keep feeding us crap like that, we might start wondering what roast executive tastes like?
@CinnamonGirlE Braised shareholder? Minced lobbyist pate?
@AskTheDevil @CinnamonGirlE
Are you sure this is roast pork? Only my piece of crackling appears to have a tattoo.
🤣 We have a winner! 🤣