H.R.6154 - Responsible Gun Ownership Licensing Act (died in Committee)
S. 3407: Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2023 (died in Committee)
S. 5209: Clean Hands Firearm Procurement Act (Introduced)
The point is that even though there have been bills, the fact that the House is controlled by the GOP means they will never get out and the bill dies. Hell, it just takes one Republican and it goes nowhere in the Senate.
In order to get FEDERAL gun control 1/2
We need a 3/5ths Democratic House and a Democratic Senate with a 60+ Democratic Senators.
Democrats ARE attempting to pass meaningful gun control. The bigger question is are people willing to vote for Democrats so we can get the bills passed into law?
Or are we going to have to drink Diet Mountain Dew for four years?
Another factoid: this election will be decided by those under 60. The Boomers and older will not be the deciders. Choose well.