The Battle Over the Sea-Monkey Fortune
"Remember Amazing Hair-Raising Monsters (a bald troll printed on a card that grew green mineral locks when watered)? That was von Braunhut’s, and although his novelty toys were, once they arrived, a bit disappointing, the marketing of them was a wonder of what we’d all come to know as informercialism."
The Saturday Evening Post editors wrote in the May 19, 1866, issue, “What the New Yorkers need next is a law against cruelty to poor, sick, and dying humans — see N.Y. papers’ reports on quarantine doings.”
When young David was asked by his father to say the evening prayer, he realized he didn't have his head covered, so he asked his little brother, Henry, to rest a hand on his head until prayers were over. Henry grew impatient after a few minutes and removed his hand.
The father said, "This is important ... put your hand back on his head!" to which Henry exclaimed, "What, am I my brother's kippah?" #jokes
In five days, Twitch organized and launched StreamAid. Here's how it came together
Our new lockdown game: judging famous people by their bookshelves.
Through two world wars, Britain’s pubs stayed open, but they have now been forced to close.
"Art-lovers around the world can now visit the exhibition with a curator-led virtual tour and room by room digital archive of the works featured."
MLB is launching a MLB: The Show Player's League featuring a player from every team. Season starts tonight on Twitch, scheduled through early May.
Sting, Jimmy Fallon, and the Roots perform 'Don't Stand So Close to Me' remotely, using a creative mix of household tools and real instruments.
"People sometimes think of humans as fundamentally selfish or violent, but anthropological research shows that we have evolved to work cooperatively and live in supportive communities. Thanks to COVID-19, that evolved tendency is now being strained."
Admit it. You've wondered about this.
A visit to the sanction-thwarting mozzarella factories of Russia
Tips from Tom Ford on how to light your video chat.
Just Around the Corner: Sustainability Developments to Give You Hope
We’re all yearning for solutions to heal the planet. While these projects aren’t quite ready for prime time, scientists are working hard to create better, more sustainable options.
As Coca-Cola’s popularity spread in the United States in the 1920s, rabbis around the country asked, is Coke kosher?
On what all the new Coursera users are doing: "We've seen spikes in life sciences, personal development, everything. Personal development, a lot of it is this one course, it's actually the most popular course at Yale. On Coursera we call it The Science of Well-Being."
For your binge-watching guidance:
Writer. Editor. Baseball. Cats. Chocolate. Not necessarily in that order.