Rebecca Solnit made _Hope in the Dark_ free for a week. I may take the time to download it. Someone offered this quote:
> “Hope calls for action; action is impossible without hope.”
In the mid-1960s, rumors of bananas as narcotics began swirling around the hippie scene. Pot cost money. Bananas were cheap. That’s why people fell for it.
@amiablechief Welcome! This is a friendly place.
US voters greenlight over $25 billion in public transportation ballot measures in 2024
Think global, act local. These organizations and cities are working to make food more accessible at a large scale. is a free JSON API for every "whoa" said by actor Keanu Reeves in his movies.
TIL a toponymist is somebody who studies how places and natural features got their names — otherwise known as 'toponyms.'
The Almost-Lost Art of Rosin Potatoes
Rosin has made a name in the culinary world for baking potatoes to perfection.
How to get cheaper internet access now that the ACP is gone: 5 ways by @sjvn
Five ways to save money on your #Internet when you're low on cash.
Voice of AOL's 'You've Got Mail' greeting Elwood Edwards, a former WKYC employee, dies at 74
Elizabeth Warren makes me feel better. Or at least ready to move forward.
Well, it looks as if the Empire has struck back, destroying the rebel base on Hoth and regaining dominance of the galaxy just a few years after the Death Star was destroyed. With many anxious about Palpatine’s resurgence, I, a columnist for the Trade Federation Gazette, am here to tell you that a second Death Star won’t be as bad as some are making it out to be.
Cats can differentiate between their own name and similar-sounding nouns.
President-elect Donald Trump rarely discussed artificial intelligence (AI) on the campaign trail, but he’s likely to have a profound impact — to Big Tech’s delight — with a series of actions soon.
Try Picking this Lock
This extremely intricate lock, which took seven years to complete, exemplifies the early 20th-century taste for sentimental medievalism and represents the pinnacle of the metalworking tradition at the turn of the 20th century.
Writer. Editor. Baseball. Cats. Chocolate. Not necessarily in that order.