Whew! All holiday gifts procured from local #PDX merchants and shipped of to fam in IL. Had to take a day off work and go up and down Hawthorne St. to get it done.
I love the PNW. But I miss snow for holiday shopping.
"Okay, what's your email address?"
<teen gives email address, he misunderstands it.>
"No, my email is <starts to give email>..."
Call disconnected.
He did get the email confirmation, though. Obviously starting to clarify it, the rep figured out what he got wrong the first time.
Teen just called DMV to ask if a parent is necessary at this appointment. After waiting on hold for over half an hour, they said "no" - *WHEW*, it means grandparent or his older brother can take him (if they're willing to drive him multiple hours.)
Asked if any appointments closer sooner than Feb. Person said "yeah, we get cancellations regularly, let me check; they usually only stay for a few minutes."
"Here's one in [suburb on other side of the city] Thursday."
Sales Engineer "Are you tracking this issue?"
Me: "I should open a ticket with engineering on this."
Boss: "I think John opened one already. Let me search."
Boss: "Oh, *I* opened the ticket on that."
Me: "And it looks like I commented on it with my data a week ago."
Sales Engineer: "Huh. You guys should probably lay off the alcohol!"
Damn. Confirmed that during my kid's senior year of high school, the planned construction will indeed happen, and the students will be relocated to a different building. (An older/no-longer-in-use high school that has been used in the past to host other area schools as they undergo remodels.)
Was *REALLY* hoping that COVID would delay that by a year so his senior year wouldn't be in a different building.
@wilw I can't remember if I discovered CoSo RIGHT before he posted about it, or because of him posting about it. But I know he was my first follow here.
I miss @wilw on socials...