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Why Shouldn't You Upload Files So Readily On Your Browser?

Recent findings by cybersecurity researchers have surfaced a new ransomware threat that exploits web browsers, potentially putting users' files at risk

Musk’s efforts to nullify a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission

that requires him to get a lawyer’s preapproval for some posts related to Tesla has been rejected by the US Supreme Court.


"give us $1 or the onion disappears forever"

The former CEO of web comms tools provider Twilio has bought The Onion "Yes, I bought The Onion,"

In January, Lawson stepped down as CEO of Twilio to allow Khozema Shipchandler to lead the company.

The move followed pressure from activist investors Anson Funds and Legion Partners, which sought changes at the tech company.

sidenote: look out for the "37" easter egg - and the actual video is 37 mins 😏 37 is everywhere lol

srsly i posted that 37 mins from my last post 🤣 also

something strange happens when you follow Einstein's math

Einstein was wrong about black holes, what else??

(an excellent book on this topic and inspiration for that video: Cox, B, & Forshaw, J (2023) black holes: the key to understanding the universe)

woke students laugh at historians facts but got destroyed instantly

This christian wants all atheists to become christian

yup time

(fyi: the book Sci-Man-Dan mentions at start-ish is well worth a read i read it and it was good 😜 'the serendipity mindset' is a good read)

What products are affected by the new law?

What will the new law mean for you, as a consumer?

(PDF file from National Cyber Security Centre)


the UK has made it illegal for bad passwords to be used as defaults

"admin & "12345" new laws in the UK aim to make it tougher for cyber attacks to succeed and increase consumer confidence in the security of the products they use and buy

Under the new regime, manufacturers will be banned from having weak, easily guessable default passwords like ‘admin’ or ‘12345’ and if there is a common password the user will be promoted to change it on start-up.

The largest western banks operating in Russia paid the Kremlin more than €800mn in taxes last year

a fourfold increase on prewar levels, despite promises to minimise their Russian exposure after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

One big question for whoever takes over is how do they pass legislation without a majority in parliament.

SNP seeks new leader as divisions are exposed

On top of those troubles the party is under the shadow of a police investigation into its finances which has seen former chief executive Peter Murrell, the husband of Ms Sturgeon, charged by police.

SNP are dying a slow death they are hanging on for dear life

So with Humza Yousaf falling on his sword, who's likely to take over?

One name doing the rounds is that of the former deputy first minister John Swinney.

He's widely seen as an experienced, popular, safe pair of hands in the party.

Kate Forbes is another obvious contender. She narrowly lost to Humza Yousaf in the SNP leadership contest which saw him become leader.

yes we have Alba but Alex Salmond cmon fuck that ....Greens laughable....Lib dems even more laughable....tories meh they always get roughly same vote each time

there is still a vote of no confidence going ahead - She explains that one vote was submitted by the Conservatives, and the other by Scottish Labour. But whether or not they will both go ahead "will be decided over the course of the next day or so", as debates still need to take place.

So, i never looked at news to see what happened yesterday....

seems the first minister has left the building after a full year of turmoil Scotland needs a REAL leader and we need to ditch the SNP chaos


thing is will we actually do it when the general election comes ? can majority of Scots really put our "mark" on the ballot for another party ?

choices aren't great Labour is really the only other party Scots could vote for...

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