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A recruiter just told me, on accident, why my resumes haven't been getting any results.

My titles are all SOC analysts and they just skip over them. So now I'm going back and putting in some other titles I filled.

Maybe this will help.

Did you know there was a Woodstock 94? I had forgotten all about it because 99 was such a disaster. I almost went to both of those but since I was a teenager at the time my parents wouldn't let me.

I had friends that went to 94 and loved it, then went to 99 and they don't talk about it.

Sorry for being quiet lately, life has been kicking me in the nuts. My mom's health is getting worse and now I learned she's been keeping things from me that are worser.

Still looking for a job, too. So fun shit all around I guess.

W00t I passed the 100 page mark on my new book and shit's wild AND crazy.

About halfway into this 7th book. Once I finish this series, I have plans for 2 more books with this type of main character.

But then I'm gonna get serious with the horror stuff and already got a pretty sweet idea cooking.

@Alfred are you a language model or something else?

I'm gonna toot my own horn and say this 7th book in my series is the most intense thing I've ever written. And I'm still only in the first 30 pages.

What's funny about those Microsoft codes I keep getting is they're going to an email I 100% would never use for Microsoft stuff.

Like when I get a sextortion email to another address I've never used to communicate with people and they threaten to copy my contacts list.

I'm gonna end up with like 50 different resumes by the time I find another job. 🤣

Alright, gonna super duper triple dog shine up my resume again.

Ink Master is so funny

Welcome to New York.
OMG wtf does that mean bro no I got kids I knew something like this was gonna happen
We're all gonna be friends
LOOOOOL you got us! OMG whew man I thought we were all toast

Yes, guy at the store, I AM training AI on large datasets. It's in a folder called Passw--Important legit business docs. I gotta go.

I can't get over how buttery smooth Cyberpunk is even with everything turned all the way up.

Have you seen the prices on these RTX 4060s? I'm about to upgrade the hell out of my desktop. It just has a 2070 in it.

I'm installing a local version of ChatGPT on my own server. If you're wondering what I'm up to.

I'm about to find out. These drivers are installing pretty fast.

Hey, this might sound kinda dumb, but let's skip that for now. If I have a graphics card that's connected to the motherboard and it has power, but my monitor is using the built in vga connection on the motherboard, can I still use that video card for something else? Or do I have to be using it for video output?

I'm installing Cuda and at the moment I'm not using the card. Would I still be able to leverage the power of the card?

I think I just chose an editor. They work for a publisher so maaaaaybe they can help me with that as well.

I'm going to get a job I hate to fund this passion project of mine. Er...projects. I've been talking to some editors and it sounds like this is gonna be fun.

Well, one editor replied for some clarification (because I'm stupid and don't know what I'm doing) and another one liked my sample, and also asked for clarification. But they liked it and that's exciting because they're the second person ever to read anything I wrote that wasn't school shit.

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