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Going through Cyberpunk 1.0 to get the original ending and it occurred to me that, somehow, I've glitched through like 40% of this game the first bunch of times I played it.

I reached the point of no return with Hanako, but I'm going to go finish a gang of these Johnny Silverballs quests before I go back and actually finish the game.

I take back everything I said previously, this game is fuckin awesome.

Finally watched Die Hard, then checked out Godzilla Minus One, now I'm about to watch Shin Godzilla.

Pet peeve: people using "can't" when they should say "shouldn't".

You can't punch babies!

Hell yeah I can, watch. The things I CAN'T do are shooting lasers out of my eyes, flushing poop without having expel it from my body first, floating, or astral projection.

Another fun factoid about me and my weird ass attitude:

I will jump into every single "Die Hard is a Christmas movie" argument with such zeal you'd think I wrote the fuckin thing. I've lost friends over it. But, you see...

I've never actually seen Die Hard. I just love arguing and I think that has something to do with growing up around lawyers and judges.

FINALLY I stopped getting those OTP codes. That was weird and annoying.

Someone or something is absolutely hammering my Microsoft account and sending me one time login codes. I've gotten 30 since 8 this morning.

For being the first chili I've ever made, this turned out pretty good. Next time I'm going to use bigger tomato chunks, but that's the only thing I'd change.

And it's not that I NEED to be right, but I'm too much of a contrarian. I'll argue with you even if I agree with you.

Her: I thought you said it was in a crock pot.

Me: a crock what?

Her: fuck you, you little shit.

Technically I'm right. Which is the best kind of right.

Why sometimes it's probably really tiring talking to me: I'm cooking chili in a crock pot that's sitting on top of my stove to save counter space and I timed it out to cook on high. My mom said if it wasn't ready, then dump the chili into a pot and cook it on the stove.

My argument: it's already in a pot, on the stove, and it's cooking, so her directions are useless as I'm already doing them.

I think I'm broken. I don't have this incessant need to be right or to win. It might be IDGAF-itis. But, watching games shows is completely lost on me. If I were there, I'd just stand there. Like no YOU go get the ball.

Like that episode of TNG where Picard is getting tortured.
"There are 5 lights."
"Hell yeah man, I see 5 too. Let's GTFOH. Go torture your mom."

Made some khao soi for dinner. I'm treating myself.

"You've showed up in 5 searches!!"
"Your profile has been viewed 10 times!"

So what?? That's just as effective as telling me "6 people are thinking about you right now!" and does me no good.

So I'm in a 3 part interview process and today was the second part. Not feeling GREAT, but at the same time I'm not feeling terrible about it.

But at least now I know what it's gonna take in the future, and I bought training courses to fill in the gaps from today, so I'm slowly but surely getting there.

Tattoo adventure update: it took 25 tattoos, doing 2 twice and 1 three times, to figure out how to do it without tearing up my skin, not bleeding, and packing in the ink.

I'm gonna do another one for a third time but I'm gonna wait on that. Even though I did it correctly, it still hurts.

Getting an oil change and I'm writing this so I don't have to make eye contact with anyone.

That picture of my Blues Brothers tattoos I posted was like seconds fresh, and it didn't heal like that. I learned some stuff and now I'm going back over them and holy ghost of Christmas never this hurts.

Alright, there, found just about every single website that has a login associated with one of my e-mail addresses and changed every single password. Whew.

Fun fact: when I was around 6-8, I had a THICC Southern accent, having grown up in Tennessee and Mississippi. We moved to Arizona, and I was being introduced to my new teachers, and one leaned over and went "Oh my god you sound so cute, where are you from??"

That was attention I didn't want so I worked to talk without my accent and now it only comes out when I start talking fast.

Of course, I get an interview before I got my new new resume. This one is spectacular, but I'll keep it for next time I need it.

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