
Sorry for being quiet lately, life has been kicking me in the nuts. My mom's health is getting worse and now I learned she's been keeping things from me that are worser.

Still looking for a job, too. So fun shit all around I guess.

@dr_zooks 🖤 I'm sorry it's been so rough. I hope things look up soon.


my mom did that to me so i know what that gut punch feels like. Hope things improve soon for both of you.

@Bliss thank you, but that new news is the kind of thing that doesn't get better and has already killed 2 of the 3 people on this planet I love.

@dr_zooks Was hoping that would not be the case. My situation was similar. Walked in to learn my mom had pancreatic cancer while battling breast cancer. She didnt want to worry anyone since it was incurable so she kep it a secret.

Only good thing from me not working, was I sublet my apt & became her caregiver until the last few days of her life. I was hoping your situation was more hopeful.

May I suggest you enlist help w/meal prep, food shopping, etc. so everything doesnt fall on you. 🫂

@Bliss I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound like "gee thanks but bleh". I need to work on my manners.

At first it was kidney failure, then got a little a bit of a silver lining, then she admitted she tested positive twice for colon cancer.

Luckily her neighbor is super helpful and will do pretty much anything if asked so at least there's that. If I get a job she won't be alone at least.

One of the people who died also had colon cancer, that's why she didn't tell me.

@Bliss and she wouldn't have, but I heard her talking to someone on the phone and my nosey ass asked who it was and she is a terrible liar and admitted it.

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