I feel like we need to be more specific in describing the GOP base. it's not a simple as "working-class" - there's a LOT of POC who are working class and they're not voting Republican. you can also have a college degree and still be working class, they're generally not Republican either.
the GOP isn't working-class, it's TRAILER TRASH. white, uneducated, gay-bashing, self-loathing, "the Bible is the only thing I understand and I don't even understand that" TRAILER TRASH.
@DavidKMresists haley is apparently popular exclusively with college-educated independents. she does that double-speak where she criticizes trump (for being an embarrassment, not for being a criminal or a bigot) while quietly supporting all of his policies. she's a conservative for people who fancy themselves "intellectual conservatives."
@dietotaku ew. I have learned to NEVER trust a Republican on the campaign trail. I bet a lot of her supporters are young.