@DachshundSaidSo I haven't been skiing since my early teens. I played basketball during the Winter so getting to the slopes was tough. I grew a foot size every year (size 12 at 12, etc). Am currently a size 17. I'd love to get out there with him but I can't find ski or snowboarding boots in my size, so for now I'm a lounge lizard I guess lol
@DachshundSaidSo he crashed into a ski jump pole. bindings were super tight and didn't give. instead his leg took the brunt of the pressure and cracked. He'll be okay though. He's a tough kid.
@dbinkowski Ouch. Well glad he is weathering it well. At least he didn't fall off the rope tow, but had a proper crash that will make for a good story, later. Plus all the other kids will want to sign his cast. 😎
@dbinkowski An aside...my room mate is 63. She skis, snowboards, surfs, climbs up on roofs, and believe me, living with her is not easy. I am the biggest klutz she has ever met. Her son recently broke his leg skiing. I must be a bad person, because knowing that, made me feel better. Oops.
@dbinkowski Did he crash into something or just fall? Good news is kids heal fast. He has youth on his side!