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PPL LEAVING TWITTER: Elon will silence us! the platform is ruined!
THEN JOINING COSO: It's kinda nice here let's not do politics stuff

I feel like the newbies like myself realize this week how wonderful this sight is and what we have found. We want to do our best to not upset the ones here that have been here since the beginning. We want to help preserve the special that is. We are trying to get acclaimed and hope you will be patient with us if we make mistakes or drive you nuts.😝 I just love it here and feel so welcome. Let’s keep it going newbies. 👩‍🦰🥰

Those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.

did yall know you can pin multiple posts

6 likes! a new CoSo record yall nobody can beat it

@dannotdaniel Ok, you get a follow for that! P.S. it's a similar situation to how Hitler's art teacher told him he had no talent, no?

reminder that none of this would have been necessary if Elon Musk was funny on SNL

Guitarists - Finger picking old school blues is harder than it sounds. My fingers hurt, but I think I'm getting there.

Folks, - After the herculean effort to get COSO up, in a severe twist of ironic fate nobody can go PRO right now - it's a certificate thing.

I'll fix it tomorrow.

Welcome new users!

not having much luck posting videos yet.

seems to take a while to upload and then the attachment part just happily disappears

any pointers?

just followed @DevinCow but you know not too closely 🐮 💨 💨

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ɹ uɐp 🧀

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.