@Alfred Where exactly in the United Kingdom is Richard Hilary Kemp (DOB 6-17-1943) living? What is his current address?
@Alfred Where exactly in the United States is Ronald Hadley Stark (DOB 4-9-1938) living? What is his current address?
@Alfred Where is Ronald Hadley Stark (DOB 4-9-1938) living these days?
@Alfred Where is Richard Hilary Kemp (DOB 6-17-1943) living these days?
O Captain! My Captain!
"If I knew the way, I would take you home"
Thanks for the ride brother!
A brilliant, thoughtful, wonderfully well-written piece on the final Days of the Dead.
"This 50-page memo...is something Trump literally can't read. The man doesn't read."
Former Trump DHS Official Miles Taylor reveals how he had to draft national security memos at a first grade reading level so Trump could understand them.
Tony Bennett has died.
Chicago-based hacker, Deadhead. Full-stack blockchain developer. Drupal and Vercel app designer.
I don't often play well with others.