Partisan pro-Trump propaganda by corrupt New York Times triggers backlash against hidden media agendas and fake "bothsidesism" in face of fascist danger;

Bob Pecker of catch and kill infamy and New York Times boss A.G. "Dash" Sulzberger need a modern Plutarch to do justice to their parallel lives;

Most pundits dodge underlying issue: Times is the Pravda of Wall Street, which hates Biden for his proposed 25% alternative minimum tax on billionaires and 28% corporate income tax, rolling back Trump's $2 trillion December 2017 tax bonanza for parasites and predators;

Biden campaign counts 30 articles attacking President for senility as against just 1 article discussing Biden's successful economic program; If Sulzberger really wants a lengthy sit-down interview with Biden so much, he should publish 30 articles on the stunning success of Bidenomics, 30 essays on Trump's growing mental impairment, and 30 comparisons of Trump's raving speeches with the rhetoric of Mussolini and Hitler to redress many months of cynical deception;

Trump loses 22% of Republicans in Maryland and 18% in Nebraska, confirming once more that his base turnout strategy is doomed to defeat; Nebraska GOP split with MAGA state committee refusing to endorse the congressional delegation;

Angela Alsobrooks to face off against crypto-MAGA Larry Hogan for Maryland senate seat; Trump promises bigger and better Muslim ban as disastrous Manhattan trial moves toward closing statements;

Ukraine has destroyed 15% of Russian oil production, hampering exports; Blinken and British wisely tell Zelensky to use NATO missiles as he thinks best, including deep inside Russia; Campaign resembles US effort to deprive Nazi Reich of its primary oil source in Ploesti in Romania, whose destruction accelerated end of war in Europe; F-16s, Patriot missiles and Patriot missile batteries remain in urgent demand;



The most important note on this is the Russia has very little oil and gas storage facilities. These are extremely important, as if they cannot store oil, then they will have shut down production. Being that 80% of all Russian oil and gas production in frozen tundra, these wells, one shut down, freeze and cannot be restarted. They must be re-drilled. This already happened when the Soviet Union collapsed. And it took almost a decade to get them up and running.

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