
Computer Repair Technicians Are Stealing Your Data.

Thinking about taking your computer to the repair shop?

Not surprisingly, female customers bear the brunt of the privacy violations.

Dan Goodin

ยท 6ยท 12ยท 23

Just one of the many reasons people should avoid the Geek Squad at Best Buy.

Definitely not. Reason 137 why its more useful to educate yourself & handle your own tech issues. @corlin

@corlin @Render This has been a problem since the days of dial up internet. As a guy who did computer forensics for law enforcment I can tell you that myself and others in my field began to realize the vulnerability of the data with console access. The healthy debates began about ethical treatment of someone elses data knowing they blindly trusted.

@dosman1965 @corlin

Trustworthy PC Hardware techs in the DC area in the late 80's through the late 90's were worth their wait in gold. Especially to lawyers.


Fuck. Yet another way for women to be violated. we have to do background checks on our computer techs. It's almost like there's a problem with women's safety in the world. Almost./s

JFC, I took in my laptop last year. ๐Ÿ˜‘ nightmare fuel.

@corlin bas turds! aint nothin sacred? ๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜ 

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