Okay I need to start getting used to this platform. I have no clue who will even see this message, but I’m on YouTube making documentaries about dead malls and the decline of American retail.


I’m also a violinist and cybersecurity professional. So…follow me? I have no clue what I’m doing here but twitter burning down and I need a home.




New folks

CoSo is centered around Hashtags, and Lists.
The column view is on purpose. So you can have column's for Multiple Hashtags, and Lists with Multiple people.

To Find subjects, use hashtags.
To keep up with people, add them to Lists.

Why we use hashtags here. Because it lets us set a new column on the subject, and not miss a post. Also, and more importantly it allows us to filter out a subject we wish not to see. Please take the time to add a hashtag.

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