
(Nope, not sorry, Elon, it just ain't gonna work)

Direct Brain-To-Brain Thought Transfer Is A High Tech Fantasy That Wonโ€™t Work.
by Bill Benzon

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๐Ÿ˜‚ Wait tho.
My daughters father is extremely psychic in that way, itโ€™s invasive, actually. My theory is that since our bodies are made up of water and electricity, and thoughya emit pulses of electricity, that water+electricity have something to do with it. ..scientists have decided that this is something thatโ€™s not possible? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ gunna read the article! I may be in left field here. @corlin

I see they may be trying to take it to the next level, โ€œbrain bridgingโ€ so they call it. This is so fascinating I might dig in more to see what their studies have entailed. I do wonder if they have tested people who are actually psychic in that they hear peoples thoughts. @corlin

i love this. โ€œ Now that Romeo and Juliet are linked through a brain-bridge, what happens? Each is flooded with millions of spikes from the other. How can those spikes possibly mean anything to either of them if their brains canโ€™t tell the difference between endogenous spikes and exogenous spikes?โ€
In my training, to learn if I had any kind of clairvoyance, I learned as children we are told to ignore things such as psychic impulses, told we are weird if we vocalize it. So we recede...

but we still receive other peoples impulses, and the brain has to make sense of it, so it fills in blanks and we apply the thoughts to ourselves, unknowingly takinh on other peoples thoughts and emotions, even though it might not be applicable to our lives.

One way to tell the difference is asking oneself, does it make sense for me to feel this way right now? If not, then who may this be coming from? @corlin

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